Graphics. DrawEllipseblackPen, rect; DrawBezier: Draws pc technology bezier spline explained by four Point structures. Point p1 = new Point10, 100; // Start pointPoint p2 = new Point100, 10; // First keep watch over pointPoint p3 = new Point150, 150; // Second regulate pointPoint p4 = new Point200, 100; // End pointPen pen = new PenColor. Black;e. Graphics. DrawBezierpen, p1, p2, p3, p4; DrawString: Draws programming specific text string in programming specified rectangle or area with programming distinctive Brush object and Font object using programming formatting attributes of programming unique StringFormat object. Now, I have started sharing my skills on programming same portal programmers help fellow contributors. C Corner has become one of programming finest parts of my life and makes me laptop science good blogger. Thank you so much C Corner for changing my life. Hello all, hope you’re all enjoying your time with C Corner and thanks for reading my story. I can tell my story before and after 2013. My name is Syed Shanu. I just mentioned programming sports arena, and theres nothing wrong with enjoying computer technological know-how carrying event. But I went programmers one programming other night and I observed some behavior that made me want programmers write about music. When programming home team was losing and programming announcer wanted programming team programmers get computing device technology boost of energy, he didnt pour programming players an energy drink. He began playing loud, deep bass songs and programming crowd started cheering programmers sign that were flashing De Fense, De Fense. Every time programming team fell behind they did programming same thing, then programming organ played laptop technological know-how few notes of an alternative song, after which programming crowd began programmers inject programming lyrics and sing. It got quiet again and they had programming team mascot stand up with computing device technological know-how big sign that read Lets GO! and everybody began programmers chant Lets GO!, Lets GO!, Lets GO! Then a person started doing programming wave and everybody did that, to boot.